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Life ought to be fun.

And if you’re here, you’re tired of carrying all of this alone.

The overwhelm.
The frustration.
The anxiety.
The fear.
The exhaustion & burnout.
The financial struggles.
The rocky relationships.
The disappointing career.
The lack of joy.

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Every day shouldn’t be a struggle.

No one can ever fully understand your flavor of trauma except for you – but I’m here to be your unbiased guide in moving forward.

After all, your family should get the best of you.

Not the stressed you.

And certainly NOT what’s left of you.

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Hi, I’m Michelle!
Certified Emotional Liberation Coach

I am a Certified Emotional Liberation Coach offering 1:1 coaching for those ready to break through the self-limiting habits and beliefs that are keeping them stuck.

I love taking my clients on a journey where they acknowledge and disarm emotions, free themselves from limiting beliefs, and strengthen their emotional core.

My client’s say that their favorite part of working with me is the direct access. There is no waiting for a program to start or only 10 minutes in the hot seat on a group call – I provide all of my clients with a personal, one-on-one life-changing experience.

Together we uncover what’s really holding you back – the blocks, the emotions, the fears – and work together so that you can show up as your best self.

Every client is different and requires unique techniques and perspectives so they can succeed. As such, I believe in listening to my client’s needs and intuitively designing a custom coaching strategy for them.

I apply all of my experiences and the techniques I’ve tested and benefited from, as well as the gifts I’ve developed over the years, to help my clients create the life they deserve.

As we start working together, you can expect your life to shift in countless ways.

Constantly arguing with your partner, communication is rocky at best, and your sex life is almost non-existent.

✨ To ✨

Making time to connect with your partner, communicating effortlessly, and your sex life has returned to its former glory.

There is no time in the day to spend on yourself. Going to the gym, putting on makeup, or caring about your outfit is for other people who obviously are better are keeping their life together.

✨ To ✨

Walking past a mirror on the way to the gym, you stop to acknowledge how great you look and feel. There is a glow to you that you’ve been missing.

You dread work, are completely burnt out and unappreciated, and haven’t had a pay raise or promotion in years.

✨ To ✨

You’re excited to get to work every day, your boss surprises you with a pay raise, and you receive recognition for your hard work.